Authorisation Server Metadata v3.0.1
Version Control
Version | Date | Author | Comments |
3.0.0-draft2 | Mar 3, 2023 | Payments NZ API Working Group | Initial draft |
3.0.0-rc1 | May 5, 2023 | @Nigel Somerfield | Baseline for release candidate 1 |
3.0.0 | Nov 13, 2023 | @Nigel Somerfield | Version 3.0.0 release |
3.0.1 | Sep 3, 2024 | @Nigel Somerfield | Patch v3.0.1 update per Security Profile updates |
In OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0, an Authorisation Server publishes metadata that describes its supported capabilities. Authorisation Server metadata is constrained by the NZ Banking Data API Security Profile (this document).
Normative References
The following referenced documents are strongly recommended to be used in conjunction with this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies
OIDC Discovery:
IANA OAuth 2.0 Parameter Registry
IANA Well-Known URIs:
JWT response for OAuth Token Introspection
Informative references
The following referenced documents may be useful to standards users:
OpenAPI method for documenting well-known endpoint
Table of metadata
The following table shows authorisation server metadata values that are published by API Providers in accordance with and The URI at which the metadata is published is the API Provider’s authorisation server well-known end-point e.g (
). API Providers must publish this location on their API portal.
The items listed as mandatory are the minimum set to be published by API Provider Authorisation Servers.
Metadata Name | Metadata Description | Mandatory/Optional | Example | Required values | Notes | Reference |
| URL of the authorization server's authorization endpoint | Mandatory |
| [RFC8414, Section 2] | |
| CIBA Backchannel Authentication Endpoint | Mandatory |
| [OpenID Connect Client-Initiated Backchannel Authentication Flow - Core 1.0, Section 4] | |
| JSON array containing a list of the JWS signing algorithms supported for validation of signed CIBA authentication requests | Mandatory | [ "RS256", "ES256", "PS256" ] | [ "ES384", "ES512", "PS512", "RS512" ] |
| [OpenID Connect Client-Initiated Backchannel Authentication Flow - Core 1.0, Section 4] |
| Supported CIBA authentication result delivery modes | Mandatory | [ "poll", "ping", "push" ] | [ "poll", "ping" ] |
| [OpenID Connect Client-Initiated Backchannel Authentication Flow - Core 1.0, Section 4] |
| JSON array containing a list of the Claim Types that the OpenID Provider supports | Optional | [ "normal", "aggregated" ] | [ "normal" ] |
| [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] |
| Languages and scripts supported for values in Claims being returned, represented as a JSON array of BCP 47 [RFC5646] language tag values | Optional | [ "en-nz", "mi" ] |
| [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] |
| Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the "claims" parameter | Mandatory |
| true |
| [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] |
| JSON array containing a list of the Claim Names of the Claims that the OpenID Provider MAY be able to supply values for | Optional |
| [ "ConsentId" ] | Other claims may be included | [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] |
| PKCE code challenge methods supported by this authorization server | Mandatory |
| [ "S256" ] | No other values supported | [RFC8414, Section 2] |
| JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 grant type values that this authorization server supports | Optional | [ "client_credentials", "authorization_code", "referesh_token", "urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba" ] | [ "refresh_token", "client_credentials", "authorization_code", "urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba" ] |
| [RFC8414, Section 2] |
| JSON array containing a list of the JWE "alg" values supported by the OP for the ID Token | Optional |
| Not supported in v3.0.0 | [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] |
| JSON array containing a list of the JWE "enc" values supported by the OP for the ID Token | Optional |
| Not supported in v3.0.0 | [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] |
| JSON array containing a list of the JWS "alg" values supported by the OP for the ID Token | Mandatory |
| [ "ES384", "ES512", "PS512", "RS512" ] |
| [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] |
| JSON array containing a list of algorithms supported by the authorization server for introspection response content key encryption (alg value). | Optional |
| Not supported in v3.0.0 | [RFC-ietf-oauth-jwt-introspection-response-12, Section 7] |
| JSON array containing a list of algorithms supported by the authorization server for introspection response content encryption (enc value). | Optional |
| Not supported in v3.0.0 | [RFC-ietf-oauth-jwt-introspection-response-12, Section 7] |
| URL of the authorization server's OAuth 2.0 introspection endpoint | Mandatory |
| [RFC8414, Section 2] | |
| JSON array containing a list of client authentication methods supported by this introspection endpoint | Mandatory |
| [ "private_key_jwt" ] |
| [RFC8414, Section 2] |
| JSON array containing a list of the JWS signing algorithms supported by the introspection endpoint for the signature on the JWT used to authenticate the client at the introspection endpoint | Mandatory |
| [ "ES384", "ES512", "PS512", "RS512" ] |
| [RFC8414, Section 2] |
| JSON array containing a list of algorithms supported by the authorization server for introspection response signing. | Optional |
| [RFC-ietf-oauth-jwt-introspection-response-12, Section 7] |
| Authorization server's issuer identifier URL | Mandatory |
| [RFC8414, Section 2] | |
| URL of the authorization server's JWK Set document | Mandatory |
| [RFC8414, Section 2] | |
| JSON object containing alternative authorization server endpoints, which a client intending to do mutual TLS will use in preference to the conventional endpoints. | Optional | "mtls_endpoint_aliases": { |
| [RFC8705, Section 5] |
| URL that the authorization server provides to the person registering the client to read about the authorization server's requirements on how the client can use the data provided by the authorization server | Optional |
| [RFC8414, Section 2] |
| URL that the authorization server provides to the person registering the client to read about the authorization server's terms of service | Optional |
| [RFC8414, Section 2] |
| URL of the authorization server's pushed authorization request endpoint | Mandatory |
| [RFC9126, Section 5] | |
| JSON array containing a list of the JWE "alg" values supported by the OP for Request Objects | Optional |
| Not supported in v3.0.0 | [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] |
| JSON array containing a list of the JWE "enc" values supported by the OP for Request Objects | Optional |
| Not supported in v3.0.0 | [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] |
| JSON array containing a list of the JWS "alg" values supported by the OP for Request Objects | Mandatory |
| [ "ES384", "ES512", "PS512", "RS512" ] |
| [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] |
| Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the "request" parameter | Mandatory |
| true |
| [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] |
| Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the "request_uri" parameter | Mandatory |
| true |
| [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] |
| Indicates whether the authorization server accepts authorization requests only via PAR. | Optional |
| Required if not using hybrid flow | [RFC9126, Section 5] |
| Boolean value specifying whether the OP requires any "request_uri" values used to be pre-registered | Optional |
| false |
| [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] |
| Indicates where authorization request needs to be protected as Request Object and provided through either request or request_uri parameter. | Mandatory |
| true |
| [RFC9101, Section 10.5] |
| JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 "response_mode" values that this authorization server supports | Optional | [ "fragment", "jwt" ] | [ "jwt" ] | Required values depend on supported flows | [RFC8414, Section 2] |
| JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 "response_type" values that this authorization server supports | Mandatory | [ "code", "code id_token" ] | [ "code" ] | May include hybrid flow | [RFC8414, Section 2] |
| URL of the authorization server's OAuth 2.0 revocation endpoint | Optional |
| [RFC8414, Section 2] |
| JSON array containing a list of client authentication methods supported by this revocation endpoint | Optional |
| [RFC8414, Section 2] |
| JSON array containing a list of the JWS signing algorithms supported by the revocation endpoint for the signature on the JWT used to authenticate the client at the revocation endpoint | Optional |
| [RFC8414, Section 2] |
| JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 "scope" values that this authorization server supports | Mandatory | [ "openid", "accounts", "payments", "profile" ] | [ “openid”, “accounts”, “payments” ] | Authorisation servers that are re-used by API providers may have additional scopes | [RFC8414, Section 2] |
| URL of a page containing human-readable information that developers might want or need to know when using the authorization server | Optional |
| [RFC8414, Section 2] |
| Signed JWT containing metadata values about the authorization server as claims | Optional |
| [RFC8414, Section 2.1] |
| JSON array containing a list of the Subject Identifier types that this OP supports | Mandatory |
| [ "pairwise" ] |
| [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] |
| Indicates authorization server support for mutual-TLS client certificate-bound access tokens. | Mandatory |
| true |
| [RFC8705, Section 3.3] |
| URL of the authorization server's token endpoint | Mandatory |
| [RFC8414, Section 2] | |
| JSON array containing a list of client authentication methods supported by this token endpoint | Mandatory |
| [ "private_key_jwt" ] |
| [RFC8414, Section 2] |
| JSON array containing a list of the JWS signing algorithms supported by the token endpoint for the signature on the JWT used to authenticate the client at the token endpoint | Mandatory |
| [ "ES384", "ES512", "PS512", "RS512" ] |
| [RFC8414, Section 2] |
| Languages and scripts supported for the user interface, represented as a JSON array of language tag values from BCP 47 [RFC5646] | Optional |
| [RFC8414, Section 2] |
| JSON array containing a list of the JWE "alg" values supported by the UserInfo Endpoint | Optional |
| Not supported in v3.0.0 | [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] |
| JSON array containing a list of the JWE "enc" values supported by the UserInfo Endpoint | Optional |
| Not supported in v3.0.0 | [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] |
| URL of the OP's UserInfo Endpoint | Optional |
| [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] | |
| JSON array containing a list of the JWS "alg" values supported by the UserInfo Endpoint | Optional | [ "ES384", "ES512", "PS512", "RS512" ] |
| [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, Section 3] |
The following is a non-normative example of authorisation server metadata:
"authorization_endpoint": "",
"backchannel_authentication_endpoint": "",
"backchannel_authentication_request_signing_alg_values_supported": [
"backchannel_token_delivery_modes_supported": [
"backchannel_user_code_parameter_supported": false,
"claim_types_supported": [
"claims_locales_supported": [
"claims_parameter_supported": true,
"claims_supported": [
"code_challenge_methods_supported": [
"grant_types_supported": [
"id_token_encryption_alg_values_supported": [
"id_token_encryption_enc_values_supported": [
"id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [
"introspection_endpoint": "",
"introspection_endpoint_auth_methods_supported": [
"introspection_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported": [
"issuer": "",
"jwks_uri": "",
"mtls_endpoint_aliases": {
"token_endpoint": "",
"revocation_endpoint": "",
"introspection_endpoint": ""
"op_policy_uri": "",
"op_tos_uri": "",
"pushed_authorization_request_endpoint": "",
"request_object_encryption_alg_values_supported": [
"request_object_encryption_enc_values_supported": [
"request_object_signing_alg_values_supported": [
"request_parameter_supported": true,