Customer Experience Guidelines

Customer Experience Guidelines

The Customer Experience Guidelines (“Guidelines”) have been designed to facilitate widespread use of API Standards enabled products and services in a simple, secure and Customer friendly manner.



The Guidelines have been prepared for the sole purpose of providing indicative information and are for general purposes only. The Guidelines should be treated as a general guide or a starting point only. The Guidelines are not specific advice and do not contain all the information that an API Standards User may need for the purpose of designing and using API Standards enabled products or complying with the API Centre Terms and Conditions (API Terms).

Adoption of the Guidelines does not replace API Standards Users’ obligations as set out in the API Terms. API Standards Users must independently ensure that they comply with the API Terms and the Customer Data Consent and Customer Payment Consent obligations. To the extent that the Guidelines conflict with the API Terms, the API Terms prevail.

The API Centre does not make any express or implied warranty, guarantee or representation regarding the Guidelines, including, without limitation, warranties that the Guidelines are fit for the purposes required by the API Standards Users, Customers or Permitted Users, that compliance with the Guidelines assures compliance with the API Centre Terms, or will ensure that any party might meet the standard of care required of them at law, or that any of the assumptions underlying the Guidance are accurate.

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