DateTime are inclusive values

DateTime are inclusive values


A JIRA issue has been raised to clarify whether the date-time ranges used in the standards are to be treated as inclusive of the values supplied in the parameters.


DateTime parameters that are used for establishing consent validity, data availability date ranges and those used for filtering required data in API requests are treated as inclusive of the values specified.


A DateTime value that contains a value such as 2024-07-11T15:04:33 is treated as including that value. Where it acts as a lower or upper bound, values that exactly match this are considered valid.

Mathematical representation

For the avoidance of doubt, the interval notation is used to clarify the exact requirements for the relevant parameter fields.

Account Access Consents

In account access consent requests, the DateTime fields of relevance are:

  • NZReadAccessConsent1/Data/Consent/ExpirationDateTime

  • NZReadAccessConsent1/Data/Consent/TransactionFromDateTime

  • NZReadAccessConsent1/Data/Consent/TransactionToDateTime

The closed interval for which account access is requested is:

  • [TransactionFromDateTime, TransactionToDateTime].

If the consent is authorised by the customer, then the NZReadAccessConsentResponse1/Data/StatusUpdateDateTime is updated and available on an account access consent response. This is the time from which the consent is eligible to be used from. The closed interval for the consent validity period when authorised is:

  • [StatusUpdateDateTime, ExpirationDateTime]

Enduring Payment Consents

In enduring payment consents, the DateTime fields of relevance are:

  • NZEnduringConsent1/FromDateTime

  • NZEnduringConsent1/ToDateTime

The closed interval for which payments may be made using the consent is:

  • [FromDateTime, ToDateTime]

Statements and Transaction filters

In statements, the following query parameters may be supplied with DateTime values to filter statement date ranges:

  • fromStatementDateTime

  • toStatementDateTime

The closed interval for statements filter is:

  • [fromStatementDateTime, toStatementDateTime]

In transactions, the following query parameters may be supplied with DateTime values to filter transaction date ranges:

  • fromBookingDateTime

  • toBookingDateTime

The closed interval for transactions filter is:

  • [fromBookingDateTime, toBookingDateTime]

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