Payments NZ API standards Home


Welcome to our Confluence space. This is where you can view all published versions of our standards for the Payment Initiation and Account Information APIs. We have also published supporting documentation to help inform understanding of the standards and how to utilise all the different functionalities.

Information on which version of the standards API Providers are currently using is available to registered Standards Users to assist with partnering. You can also get in touch directly with each API Provider to find out more.

These specifications are read-only and are publicly available so businesses can think about how they might be used as part of their customer solutions.

Only registered Standards Users of our API Centre have the right to use the standards and form bilateral agreements with other registered Standards Users. To find our more or to apply to become a Standards User, visit our API Centre website.

The 'NZ Banking Data API specification' defines the common elements applicable to both Payment Initiation and Account Information APIs. This includes defining the process through which a Third Party manages the consenting processes and forms the base of all specific functionality defined in the API specifications. 

The 'Security Profile' supports our published APIs and defines the security standards to be used for the API ecosystem. It sets out how a Third Party connects securely to API Providers and compliments the NZ Banking Data Specifications. The published security profiles support the corresponding published version of the standards up to v3.0.0 where the security profile is decoupled from the rest of the functional API specifications.

To view the API specifications, simply click the link for the documentation you’re interested in.

NZ Banking Data API Specification

These specifications are to be used in the implementation of both standards. It provides a description
of the elements that are common across both. It should be read in conjunction with the
Payment Initiation. Account Information API or Event Notification specifications.

The most up to date currently published specifications can be found below.

Version 1.0.0

Version 2.0.2

Version 2.1.2

Version 2.2.2

Version 2.3.2

Version 3.0.0

Security profile

The security profile defines how Standards Users will securely and safely interact using the industry standardised APIs. It is built on top of layers of proven financial grade security best practice and has been tailored to the NZ market to support Open Banking uses.

From version 3.0.0 onwards, the security profile has been decoupled from the rest of the functional specs and will be managed independently of the other API specifications.

The most up to date currently published specifications can be found below.

Version 1.0.0

Version 2.0.2

Version 2.1.2

Version 2.2.2

Version 2.3.2

Version 3.0.0

Account Information

Account Information will enable registered Third Party standards users, with customer consent, to access specific financial information relating to an account. This specification is unique to the implementation of this API.

The most up to date currently published specifications can be found below.

Version 1.0.0

Version 2.0.2

Version 2.1.2

Version 2.2.2

Version 2.3.2

Version 3.0.0

Payment Initiation

Payments Initiation will enable registered Third Party standards users, with customer consent, to set up and make an electronic credit payment by connecting directly and safely with banks. This specification is unique to the implementation of this API.

The most up to date currently published specifications can be found below.

Version 1.0.0

Version 2.0.2

Version 2.1.2

Version 2.2.2

Version 2.3.2

Version 3.0.0

Event notification

Enables allow Third Parties to establish subscriptions to be notified of changes to provider held resources. Establishing a subscription is optional for Third Parties, but if they choose to subscribe they must provide an endpoint as defined in the standard. This specification is unique to the implementation of this API.

The most up to date currently published specifications can be found below.

Version 3.0.0


  • The API standards are published for information only and Payments NZ does not make any warranty or representation regarding the API standards, including warranties as to description, merchantability, that the API Standards will be free from defects, or otherwise fit for purpose.
  • These API standards are read only.
  • Only registered standards users will be able to enter into bilateral arrangements using these standards.