Risk Framework

Risk Framework

The table and supporting information below sets out the design of the scenario risk assessment framework, and any resulting proposed best practice guideline.


Application of current mechanisms

Proposed best practice guideline

Residual Impact & risks


Application of current mechanisms

Proposed best practice guideline

Residual Impact & risks

  • A description of the ‘what if’ scenario forwhen he use of the v2.0 Payments Initiation API standard for enduring payment consent leads to potential negative impacts, risks, or generally adverse outcomes.

  • The scenario needs to mention the actors involved, using the actor descriptions below commonly involves an end customer.

  • Law: whether any applicable law applies to the scenario.

  • API Centre terms and conditions: whether anything in the Ts and Cs apply to the scenario.

  • API Standard: what, if anything, does the API Standard do to prevent or manage this scenario.

  • Bilateral: expectations on the extent that this scenario will be managed bilaterally between API Providers and Third Parties.

  • Other: a catch-all for any other noteworthy observations.

  • Given all information, provide a description of the best practice guidance that can be given for how the API ecosystem and the roles and expectations on applicable actors involved in this scenario to best manage it.

  • Impact: description of the impact, should the scenario occur, including which actors are impacted, e.g. payer, APIprovider etc. Plus the impact’srating (i.e. insignificant, minor, significant, major, severe).

  • Likelihood: rating of the probability that the scenario will occur (e.g. almost certain, likely, moderate, unlikely, rare).

  • Overall risk: combining the likelihood and impact to quantify the risk using the matrix below (i.e very low, low, medium, high, very high, extreme).


Likelihood Rating Key

  • Almost certain 76 – 100% probability: Risk has a high likelihood of occurring even if any mitigation is implemented. The event will likely occur within in the next 12 months.

  • Likely 51 – 75% probability: Risk has a high likelihood of occurring. The event will likely occur in the next 24 months.

  • Moderate 26 – 50%: Risk has a moderate likelihood of occurring. The event could occur in the next 36 months.

  • Unlikely 11 – 25%: Risk is considered unlikely to occur. The event is unlikely to occur within the next 5 years.

  • Rare 0 - 10%: Risk will occur in rare circumstances. The event is unlikely to occur within the next 10 years.

Impact Rating Key

  • Severe - disaster with potential to lead to collapse of business and is fundamental to achievement of objectives.

  • Major - critical event which can be endured but may have prolonged negative impact and extensive consequences.

  • Significant - major events that can be managed but requires additional resources and management effort.

  • Minor - event which can be managed under normal operating conditions.

  • Insignificant - consequences can be readily absorbed under normal operating conditions.


Overall Risk Matrix

Likelihood / impact






Likelihood / impact






Almost Certain



Very high







Very high







Very high


Very low






Very low

Very low





Actors (note: copied from scope document for v2.0 Standard)

  • Customer: a person or party that holds an account with a financial institution, and is an authorised signatory of that account and can authorise payments from that account.

  • API Provider: a financial institution that manages the Customers account from which a payment could be made.

  • Payee: a person or party receiving a payment into their account.

  • Third Party: a person or party that provides services using an API Provider’s API in a manner that complies with the API Standards. The Third Party is the entity which:

    • Initiates API calls to establish an Enduring Payment Consent Authority;

    • Receives and manages Tokens in relation to the Enduring Payment Consent;

    • Initiates API calls to process payment instructions in relation to the Enduring Payment Consent; and

    • Can be, but does not need to be, the Payee or the Consent Recipient.

  • Consent Recipient: The person, party or service (e.g. mobile App) that the Customer has given their Enduring Payment Consent to in favour of in terms of payment initiation. The Consent Recipient:

    • Can also be, but does not need to be, both the Payee and the Third Party;

    • Can be, but does not need to be, the Payee; and

    • Can be, but does not need to be, the Third Party.

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