API Centre standards consultation
Standards consultation space
Welcome to the API Centre standards development consultation space. Here you will find the published release candidates for under development versions of the API standards. The purpose of this space is to provide a platform for broad industry engagement, consultation and feedback.
The API Centre works in conjunction with API Standards Users and Community Contributors to identify areas for development and opportunities for API standardisation. The specifications that are currently open for consultation have been summarised below for your reference and should be read in conjunction with the supporting documentation provided.
The overall scope of the consultation is described in the supporting documentation provided. It is expected that any contributors will take into consideration all available information when providing their response.
The API Centre will review all feedback provided and will publish a summary of feedback provided to API Centre Standards Users for their reference and further consideration prior to full publication of under development standards.
The API Centre will review all feedback and publish in a summary alongside the release candidate documentation in this space. This summary will then be reviewed by API Centre Standards Users and feedback incorporated where appropriate prior to full publication of that version of the standards.
Consultation log
Please select the relevant published release candidate API standard specifications for review and to provide feedback where this has been made available.
Open for consultation
Archived release candidate consultations
The API standards are published for information only and Payments NZ does not make any warranty or representation regarding the API standards, including warranties as to description, merchantability, that the API Standards will be free from defects, or otherwise fit for purpose.