Consultation & feedback form v2.1.0-rc1
This section gives you the ability to provide feedback which will be submitted to the API Centre and incorporated into ongoing development activities where appropriate.
Please consider the below questions when providing your feedback, this will help you to provide valuable, actionable feedback to the API Centre. They are not intended as an exhaustive list of questions that must be answered, instead they should be used as a starting point for consideration and assessment:
Does the technical specification deliver on the intended scope for v2.1?
What account types would you like to see standardised for provision in the standards?
What functionality enhancements would be useful as part of a future scope for the API standards?
What endpoints would you like to see mandatory as part of future standards releases?
Do you have a specific use case that isn’t currently enabled by the functionality of the API standards?
Can you think of any areas where supplementary information would be useful when implementing these API standards?
Feedback form
Please use the link below to be directed to the Standards Consultation feedback form that is held on the API Centre service desk.
This form contains a free format feedback area for you to provide your thoughts. Please use the questions listed above as a starting point and feel free to provide any additional thoughts you feel are relevant to the ongoing development of the API standards.
Click here to be redirected to the feedback form.