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The consultation period is open until and until this date, the API Centre team and API Standards Users welcome all feedback from Standards Users and registered Community Contributors.
This feedback will be collated and assessed by the API Centre and relevant working groups and where appropriate, incorporated into v2.2 and v2.3 of the API standards and the development of the API Centre’s wider strategic direction planning.
Supporting documentation
In the below sections, you will find all relevant supporting documentation that has aided the development of v2.2 and v2.3 of the API standards. These pages should be read in conjunction with the technical specifications as shown below under ‘Release candidate specifications’ in order to provide context to development activities.
Overview and Scope
Use the below link to review the high summary for version 2.0.overview and scope for this release candidate:
Overview and approach scope for v2.2.0 & v2.3.0-rc1
Version scope
Use the below link for agreed scope of release candidate version.
Release candidate specifications
These pages should be read in conjunction with the overview & background pages in order to fully understand the changes made.
Specifications page tree
v.2.2.0-rc1 specifications
Consultation & feedback
Please refer to the below page to provide your feedback on the release candidate for version 2.0.
Feedback summary
We will be publishing the feedback received from all parties at the below location and the API Centre team will be responding to the feedback directly, using this page.
Note: Please ensure you are ‘watching’ thispage in order to receive updates on any changes we make to this area.
Feedback Summary v2.0.0-rc1summary - Release Candidate 003