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All Standards Users can contribute to the Working Groups. You can see who the API provider and Third Party Standards Users are on the API Centre public website here. The API Technical Working Group met every fortnight on Friday mornings, from the 3 of May 2019, to 8 November 2019, for a total of 14 meetings. The Working Group’s main focus during this period was the development of the v2.0 Standard. Once final drafts of the standard were developed, the Working Group held longer working sessions to ‘walk through’ the draft Standard. This helped ensure the final Standard aligned with the Group’s expectations, accurately reflected standards, ensuring the final standard aligns with the group’s expectations, accurately reflecting the Group’s previous discussions, and that the Standard standard held together as a whole. Non-technical standards conceptual design issues were put to the Business Working Group for direction. |
What does the Security Profile do?
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The v2.0 API Centre Security Profile sets out “how” Third Parties connect securely to an API Provider. The v2.0 “NZ Banking Data Security Profile” is based on the OpenID Foundation's FAPI Read+Write specification document, and applies this standard into the NZ market context. This specification is used to help define requirements for how API Providers can safely make APIs available, and connect with Third Parties. This specification applies to both the Payment Initiation and Account Information API specifications. The Security Profile:
Key changes made to the v2.0 Security profile (compared to v1.0) include:
What international
standards do your standards leverage?
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The Standard draws extensively from international standards and global best practices, notably:
improvements have been made to the v2.0 standard?
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The v2.0 Standard has delivered a range of other smaller improvements and enhancements. The v2.0 Standard contains a detailed ‘version control’ log of all changes made to the Standard compared to v1.0. A summary of key general improvements and enhancements include: