Our Customer Experience Guidelines help support organisations planning to use our v2.0 standards to build real-world customer solutions.

To view the guidelines, you can download them below. The guidelines include fundamental principles of what good customer interactions should look like when building solutions to our v2.0 API standards.

How they work

Our guidelines recommend best practice for Standards Users so their customers are made aware of and are fully in control of the use of their data each step of the way. It ensures that customers are clearly informed about the consent they are providing, and what service they will receive in return. 

The guidelines directly address the real-world customer journey between Third Party and API Provider interactions, from the establishment and authentication of consumer identity, through to payment authorisation.  

They provide a starting point for Standards Users to create their own customer experience across products and services that have been built to our standards. 

API Centre Customer Experience Guidelines v1.0

The PDF file for download is available below.